Cavese, arriva la risposta di Di Piazza ai tifosi del Barletta

Cavese, arriva la risposta di Di Piazza ai tifosi del Barletta

Contestato dopo essere andato via tra le polemiche in quel di Barletta, sia per le poche reti realizzate, ossia 4 in 25 partite, che per la polemica esultanza dopo una rete in questo campionato. Questa volta l’attaccante ha voluto rispondere alla sua maniera.

All’esordio con la Cavese, Di Piazza, ha messo a segno una doppietta, contro il Flaminia, dimostrando di essere ancora una punta di livello pronta a vincere il campionato con la squadra campana, che al momento si trova in testa davanti a tutte nel Girone G di Serie D.


One thought on “Cavese, arriva la risposta di Di Piazza ai tifosi del Barletta

  1. Are you available to come on a podcast as a guest?

    If so, our firm will book you on a podcast within one week.

    If you’re available to do this, I’d also like to repurpose the content from your podcast to provide you and your business, online article features, and video content for social media.

    Placing you on podcasts does require an expense, but the online media features and the repurposed video content we will provide completely on us because this is our first time working together :).

    We are doing this for the first 10 people who reply back to us who qualify because it takes up a good amount of our team’s time.

    The one thing I ask is that you tell me if your business is NOT doing 7+ figures.

    I reached out to you because I think you have a 7+ figure business. Most of the hosts that we have connections with are looking for 7+ figure business owners to interview.

    I want to make sure we don’t lie to them so let me know if you are not.

    So, if you qualify, and want to be booked on a podcast you can chat with our Co-Founder here:
    PS – I won’t see your response on here so if you have a question, please book a call (:

    N6565 Shorewood Hills Rd. Lake Mills WI, 53551
    Email with your website to “unsubscribe” meaning you won’t hear from me again.

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